From: claudia (
Date: Thu Oct 18 2007 - 08:25:22 CDT
Hi all
I'm running NAMD on a production cluster composed of two machine
architectures : ia64 (2 Itanium CPUs) and x86_64 ( 2 Xeon CPUs and 2
Dualcore2 Duo CPUs). My system is around 60,000 atoms, it happens
several times that my job has been killed abruptly with the following
error: ( or something similar instead of the restart file could be the
*.dcd one)
FATAL ERROR: Error on write to binary file comp_dyn_IV.restart.vel:
Interrupted system call
Stack Traceback:
[0] CmiAbort+0x20000000005de970 [0x4000000000992b90]
[1] _Z8NAMD_errPKc+0x1fffffffffd0c0d0 [0x40000000000c0300]
[2] _ZN6Output17write_binary_fileEPciP6Vector+0x2000000000159970
[4] _ZN6Output8velocityEiiP6Vector+0x200000000015b150
[8] CkDeliverMessageFree+0x20000000003c2cf0 [0x4000000000776f80]
[9] _Z15_processHandlerPvP11CkCoreState+0x20000000003c9090
[10] CmiHandleMessage+0x20000000005ec100 [0x40000000009a03a0]
[11] CsdScheduleForever+0x20000000005ec710 [0x40000000009a09c0]
[12] CsdScheduler+0x20000000005ec620 [0x40000000009a08e0]
[13] _ZN7BackEnd7suspendEv+0x1fffffffffd1b360 [0x40000000000cf630]
[14] _ZN9ScriptTcl7suspendEv+0x200000000022a000 [0x40000000005de2e0]
[15] _ZN9ScriptTcl13runControllerEi+0x200000000022a370
[16] _ZN9ScriptTcl7Tcl_runEPvP10Tcl_InterpiPPc+0x200000000022e700
[17] /mnt/local/bin/namd2 [0x4000000000a0ea40]
[18] /mnt/local/bin/namd2 [0x4000000000a9e520]
[19] /mnt/local/bin/namd2 [0x4000000000a9f940]
[20] /mnt/local/bin/namd2 [0x4000000000a89070]
[21] _ZN9ScriptTcl3runEPc+0x2000000000229cb0 [0x40000000005ddfb0]
[22] main+0x1fffffffffd13e30 [0x40000000000c6bf0]
[23] __libc_start_main-0x272ee0 [0x2000000000141430]
[24] _start+0x1fffffffffd0a3e0 [0x40000000000be700]
does anyone know what it is the meaning? it is a problem of connection
between the nodes ( i'm running either on 32 or 16 nodes)? or something
related to my system, i'm able to restart my system without problems
Thanks to all!
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