From: Dong Luo (
Date: Thu Jul 19 2007 - 09:15:13 CDT
With a quick browse of the tutorial, my understanding
is that:
the $T is defined as 0.6 in previous calculation,
which is still in effect.
10 is the total number of pulling trajectory, used for
calculating the average value of work.
--- Qiang Zhong <> wrote:
> Dear NAMD users:
> I have use SMD to push ATP to active site of
> kinase,I have got a .out file,
> I want to refer paper "Free Energy Calculation from
> Steered Molecular Dynamics
> Simulations Using Jarzynski's Equality" to calculate
> free energy ,energy, entropy
> , just like Fig.3B in that paper. But example code
> "cumulants.tcl" only provide
> free energy calculation, could someone tell me how
> to do it?
> I am also puzzled by the code "cumulants.tcl".
> foreach l [array names w] {
> set e [lindex $w($l) $i]
> set texp [expr $texp + exp([expr - $e / $T]) ]
> "there $T means temperature? where is it from? "
> set t1 [expr $t1 + $e]
> set t2 [expr $t2 + $e * $e]
> }
> lappend Fexp [expr - $T * log([expr $texp / 10])]
> "why is there a constant value 10? what is it
> meaning? "
> lappend F1 [expr $t1 / 10]
> lappend F2 [expr $t1 / 10 - $t2 / 10 + $t1 *
> $t1 / 100 ]
> Eager to receive your letter!
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