From: priti arora (
Date: Tue Jul 10 2007 - 07:28:34 CDT
Hi all
I am having problems using rmsd_fullthrottle.tcl script. I have already
changed the chain ID in the script corresponding to my psf file.
This is what i am doing:
1. load psf and dcd file
2. open/source rmsd_fullthrottle.tcl in tkconsole
Error: no atomselection
I have also tried the following way:
1. load psf and dcd file
2. open tkconsole
set sel_resid [[atomselect top "protein and alpha"] get resid]
source rmsd_fullthrottle.tcl
call the proc >> rmsd_residue_over_time top $sel_resid
Error: No atoms selected
I am not sure where I am making the mistake. Can anyone tell me what should
I do?
-- Thanks and regards, Priti Arora MSc in Drug Delivery School of Pharmacy University of London Tel: +44 7983024922 (Mob) +44 2072895561 (Hm) +44 2077535923 (Lab)
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