From: Qiang Zhong (
Date: Fri Jun 15 2007 - 22:13:19 CDT
I am tring to compile source code of NAMD, My OS is Fedora core 6,
processor is inter p4. when I execute below command:
./build charm++ net-linux --no-shared -O -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1
I got error message bellow:
traceCore.h:20: error: previous declaration of 'int Cpv__traceCoreOn_
[2]' with 'C++' linkage
traceCoreAPI.h:8: error: conflicts with new declaration with 'C' linkage
Fatal Error by charmc in directory
Command g++ -I../bin/../include -D__CHARMC__=1 -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1 -I. -O -c
traceCore.C -o traceCore.o returned error code 1
charmc exiting...
I don't know what happen ? could somebody tell how to do ?
I search same question on NAMD mail list, got similar one:
Thank you !
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