From: Alexandre A. Vakhrouchev (
Date: Tue Jun 05 2007 - 10:34:39 CDT
You should compile NAMD for your cluster.
Read instruction provided in sourcecode README.
First of all build charm++, then NAMD.
Chose your arch, mpi and appropriated Myrinet driver gm or gm2.
Best regards,
Dr. Alexandre Vakhrouchev
2007/6/5, Alessio Alexiadis <>:
> Dear all,
> I am about to run NAMD on an AMD based Cluster with Myrinet network with
> MPI and PBS installed.
> Do you know if there is a pre-build executable appropriate version I could
> use ?
> Do I have to recompile the whole code on our machine ?
> Can you provide any further information you think could be useful to run
> NAMD on the machine?
> Thanks in advance
> Alessio
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