From: dimka (
Date: Tue May 08 2007 - 13:53:28 CDT
the subject of the original post is "simulating air" not "blowing hot
air". Lets get back to helping Javier. :)
PS. I did not find anything wrong/offensive with Mark's answer.
On 5/7/07, Mark Abraham <> wrote:
> Richard Wood wrote:
> > Dear Jim and others,
> >
> > There is a reason for me to do object "in public" as I did. Mr. Abraham
> > responds like this ALL the TIME, giving answers that are of absolutely
> > no help to ANYONE, even to those of us that are more experienced; he
> > obviously has never been a teacher. So, why does he bother to respond
> > at all? He might as well just say, "go look it up in your textbook",
> > when the person asking the question has no idea what to look up.
> >
> > When I was working on my Ph.D., my advisor taught us to not "reinvent
> > the wheel", and that is something I agree with. If Mr. Abraham and his
> > ilk were in charge, we'd yet to have cars...
> This is ridiculous. I made a clear request for articulate and
> constructive criticism if any was due. I get a polemical response that
> is partly relevant at best. "Look it up in your textbook" is legitimate
> help, particularly when articulating a more precise concept to look up.
> Re-inventing the wheel has got nothing whatsoever to do with this - if
> you don't know about wheels you need to read about wheels for yourself
> or find someone whose job it is to teach you.
> Thanks for the bad times, I'm leaving this list.
> Mark
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