From: Peter Freddolino (
Date: Thu Apr 12 2007 - 16:01:44 CDT
Hi Vlad,
I'm not familiar with the elan compile target, but you might want to
have a look at the changes to your Make.charm file suggested in the
thread at
Vlad Cojocaru wrote:
> Dear NAMD users,
> I am trying to compile NAMD on a "elan-linux-ia64" architecture using
> intel 8.1 compilers ..
> build charm++ works fine but as I go to test it I get the error below.
> Does anybody have any idea how to fix this?
> Thanks a lot
> vlad
> ../../../bin/charmc -o pgm megatest.o groupring.o nodering.o
> varsizetest.o varraystest.o groupcast.o nodecast.o synctest.o fib.o
> arrayring.o tempotest.o packtest.o queens.o migration.o marshall.o
> priomsg.o priotest.o rotest.o statistics.o templates.o inherit.o
> reduction.o callback.o immediatering.o bitvector.o -languagecharm++
> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `elan4_unpin_region'
> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `_elan4_alloc_cmdq'
> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `elan4_pin_region'
> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `elan4_remote_setevent_eop'
> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `elan4_sendqueue_pkt'
> Fatal Error by charmc in directory
> /home/cojocaru/software/NAMD_2.6_Source/charm-5.9/elan-linux-ia64-ifort-icc/tests/charm++/megatest
> Command icpc -i_dynamic -rdynamic -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib -o pgm
> -L../../../bin/../lib -I../../../bin/../include
> ../../../bin/../lib/libldb-rand.o megatest.o groupring.o nodering.o
> varsizetest.o varraystest.o groupcast.o nodecast.o synctest.o fib.o
> arrayring.o tempotest.o packtest.o queens.o migration.o marshall.o
> priomsg.o priotest.o rotest.o statistics.o templates.o inherit.o
> reduction.o callback.o immediatering.o bitvector.o moduleinit29062.o
> ../../../bin/../lib/libmemory-default.o
> ../../../bin/../lib/libthreads-default.o -lck -lconv-cplus-y -lconv-core
> -lconv-util -lckqt -lelan -ldl -lm returned error code 1
> charmc exiting...
> make: *** [pgm] Error 1
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