From: John Stone (
Date: Tue Mar 06 2007 - 16:20:27 CST
You need to be sure that you correctly transfer the DCD files in
binary mode, otherwise they will be corrupted by the transfer process.
Some windows file transfer programs assume that any unrecognized file
extension is a text file, and will damage the contents of the DCD file,
so you'll need to make absolutely sure that this is not occuring during
your transfer. If the DCD file is larger than 2GB, you may also need to
make sure that you're running one fo the most recent versions of VMD since
older versions of the Windows version of the DCD plugin were not able
to read very large files due to limitations in the Windows C library
stdio implementation.
John Stone
On Tue, Mar 06, 2007 at 01:25:40PM -0800, lily jin wrote:
> Hi,
> I trnasfered the dcd files generated by NAMD from the cluster to my local machine. However, they cannot be open under my windows system with VMD. Can anyone give me a solution to convert them on my machine? Thank you!
> Lily
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