From: Morad Alawneh (
Date: Sat Jan 13 2007 - 10:18:46 CST
Hello Morad,
How big is the system your are studying? Perhaps it does not have enough atoms to justify more that 4 cpus.
The switch/cables may be defective.
I am not sure that adding debugging symbols and dependency tracking to the fftw libraries is a good idea for production simulations.
The compile wiki at
Doesn't have these flags for ffttw compilation.
Can you post some timing information to so how bad it really is?
Brian Bennion
At 08:56 AM 1/12/2007, you wrote:
To NAMD Developers and Users,
I have a problem getting NAMD2.6 working in parallel. The efficiency is getting worse when I use more than 4 cpus per node.
Can any one check the way I installed the NAMD on my system?
And if it is OK, I appreciate any suggestions to solve this problem.
My System:
Dell 1955 Linux cluster. Each node is equipped with two Quad-core Intel Xeon EM64T processors (2.6GHz) and 8 GB of memory. All nodes are connected with Gigabit Ethernet. The cluster's EM64T processors run a 64-bit Linux kernel.
Installation Instructions:
fftw-2.1.5 Installation:
./configure --prefix=/ibrix/home/mfm42/opt/fftw --enable-mpi --enable-float --enable-type-prefix --enable-debug --enable-dependency-tracking --enable-static
make install
tcl-8.4.13 Installation:
./configure --prefix=/ibrix/home/mfm42/opt/tcl --enable-64bit --disable-shared
make install
charm++ Installation:
Edit the file charm/src/arch/mpi-linux-amd64/
1)change mpiCC to mpicxx
2)use /opt/mpich/gnu/bin as the path to mpicc and mpicxx.
./build charm++ mpi-linux-amd64 --basedir=/opt/mpich/gnu --no-build-shared -O -verbose -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1 > build.log
namd Installation:
Edit namd/Make.charm
(set CHARMBASE to the full path to charm-??)
Edit various configuration files:
1) namd/arch/Linux-amd64.fftw (fix path to files,
delete -I$(HOME)/fftw/include and -L$(HOME)/fftw/lib)
2) namd/arch/Linux-amd64.tcl (fix path to files
delete -I$(HOME)/tcl/include and -L$(HOME)/tcl/lib
use -ltcl8.4 instead of -ltcl8.3
3) namd/arch/Linux-amd64-MPI.arch use /opt/mpich/gnu/bin as a path to
mpicxx and mpicc instead of g++/gcc
Set up build directory and compile:
./config tcl fftw Linux-amd64-MPI
cd Linux-amd64-MPI
make > make.log
Submission command:
/opt/mpiexec/bin/mpiexec /ibrix/home/mfm42/opt/namd-GE/Linux-amd64-MPI/namd2 gamma_150_sys.namd "+strategy USE_GRID" > gamma_150_sys.log
Morad Alawneh
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, BYU
Provo, UT
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