From: JC Gumbart (
Date: Thu Dec 14 2006 - 11:45:45 CST
It's described in more detail here:
On Dec 14, 2006, at 11:33 AM, Jordi Camps wrote:
> Hello,
> for a report that I'm writing I will need to talk about the
> parallelization
> method used by NAMD, but I searched through the mailing list and
> the user's
> manual and I've been unable to find an explanation on how the data is
> partitioned and which is the parallelization strategy.
> Could you please point me on the direction of somewhere I can find
> this kind
> of information?
> Thank you very much.
> Best whishes,
> --
> Jordi Camps Puchades
> Supercomputing research, support and development
> Barcelona Supercomputing Center | Instituto Nacional de
> Bioinformática
> (
> |
> Tel. : 934 137 602 | Tel. : 934 037 155
> Fax : 934 137 721 | Fax : 934 037 157
> c/ Jordi Girona, 29 | c/ Josep Samitier, 1-5
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> E-08034 Barcelona | E-08028 Barcelona
> Catalunya (Spain) | Catalunya (Spain)
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