From: Shaowen Hu (
Date: Sat Nov 18 2006 - 15:42:36 CST
Dear users,
I try to compile charm++ (and then NAMD) with icc in an ia64 linux
cluster. I got the following error message. Thanks for your
./build charm++ mpi-linux-ia64 icc --no-shared -O -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1
Selected Compiler: icc
Selected Options:
Creating dir: mpi-linux-ia64-icc
Creating dir: mpi-linux-ia64-icc/tmp
Copying src/scripts/Makefile to mpi-linux-ia64-icc/tmp
Soft-linking over bin
Soft-linking over lib
Soft-linking over lib_so
Soft-linking over include
Soft-linking over tmp
Generating mpi-linux-ia64-icc/tmp/
Generating mpi-linux-ia64-icc/tmp/conv-mach-opt.h,
Performing '/usr/bin/gmake charm++ OPTS= -O -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1' in
rm -f .gdir
(cd .. ; basename "`pwd`" | sed -e 's_at_-.*@@') > .gdir
find . -type l -exec rm {} \;
rm -rf QuickThreads
rm -rf libs
rm -rf ../bin ; mkdir ../bin
rm -rf ../lib ; mkdir ../lib
rm -rf ../lib_so ; mkdir ../lib_so; touch ../lib_so/.charmso
rm -rf ../examples
rm -rf ../tests
rm -rf ../doc ; ln -s ../doc ../doc
./../src/scripts/gatherflat ../../src/scripts .
./gatherflat ../../src/conv-core .
./gatherflat ../../src/conv-ldb .
./gatherflat ../../src/conv-ccs .
./gatherflat ../../src/conv-perf .
./gatherflat ../../src/ck-core .
./gatherflat ../../src/util .
./gatherflat ../../src/ck-perf .
./gatherflat ../../src/ck-ldb .
./gatherflat ../../src/ck-com .
./gatherflat ../../src/conv-com .
./gatherflat ../../src/langs/simplemsg .
./gatherflat ../../src/langs/pvmc .
./gatherflat ../../src/langs/bluegene .
./gatherflat ../../src/langs/f90charm .
./gatherflat ../../src/xlat-i .
./gatherflat ../../src/xlatcpm .
./gathertree ../../src/QuickThreads QuickThreads
./gathertree ../../src/libs libs
./gathertree ../../src/arch/util .
./gathertree ../../src/langs langs
./gathertree ../../src/langs/jade langs/jade
./gathertree ../../src/arch/common .
./gathertree ../../src/arch/`cat .gdir` .
./gatherflat ../../src/arch/`cat .vdir` .
./gathertree ../../examples ../examples
./gathertree ../../tests ../tests
rm -f ../bin/ ; cp ../bin/
chmod +x charmc
./system_ln ../tmp/charmc ../bin/
ln -s ../../java/bin charmjavabin
ln -s ../../java/bin ../bin/charmjavabin
ln -s charmjavabin/* ../bin/
ln -s ../java ..
rm -f .gdir
rm -rf ../include ; mkdir ../include
./system_ln ../tmp/conv-*.*h ../include
./system_ln ../tmp/cc-*.*h ../include
if [ ! -f conv-common.h ] ; then ( touch conv-common.h ) ; fi
touch dirs+sources
/usr/bin/gmake headerlinks
gmake[1]: Entering directory
checking machine name... mpi-linux-ia64-icc
set C++ compiler as: icpc -fpic
checking "whether C++ compiler works"... "ok"
set C++ linker as: icpc -i_dynamic
checking "whether linker works"... "ok"
checking "whether C++ bool works"... "ok"
checking "whether long long works"... "ok"
checking "whether __int64 works"... "ok"
checking "whether long double works"... "ok"
checking "whether C++ class explicit keyword works"... "ok"
checking "whether C++ signed char and char differ"... "yes"
checking "whether C++ *_casts<> work"... "ok"
checking "whether templated member functions work"... "ok"
checking "whether including STL <foo> works"... "no"
checking "whether the std:: names for STL work"... "ok"
checking "whether namespaces work"... "ok"
checking "whether typeinfo/typeid works"... "ok"
checking "whether operator delete can be overloaded in same class"... "ok"
checking "whether GCC x86 assembly works"... "no"
checking "whether GCC IA64 assembly works"... "no"
checking "whether it has mkstemp"... "yes"
checking "whether the poll() syscall exists"... "yes"
checking "whether the setpriority() exists"... "yes"
checking "whether to use signal-safe system() "... "yes"
checking "whether dlopen links without -ldl"... "no"
checking "whether dlopen links with -ldl"... "yes"
checking "whether getProcAddress works"... "no"
checking "whether it has socklen_t"... "yes"
checking "whether the mmap() syscall exists"... "yes"
checking "whether mmap() accepts MAP_ANON"... "yes"
checking "whether glibc backtrace works"... "yes"
checking "whether it has zlib"... "yes"
checking "whether has values.h "... "yes"
checking "whether has alloca.h "... "yes"
checking "whether has malloc.h "... "yes"
checking "whether has elf.h "... "yes"
checking "whether has stdint.h "... "yes"
checking "whether Python is installed"... "no"
checking "whether it can build shared library"... "yes"
checking for sync... sync
set F77 compiler as: mpif77
checking "whether Fortran 77 compiler works"... "yes"
set F90 compiler as: ifc -auto
checking "whether Fortran 90 compiler works"... "no"
checking subroutine name used by Fortran 90 compiler... TWOSCORE
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating conv-autoconfig.h
./bin/charmc -host xi-main.C
/usr/include/c++/3.2.3/backward/backward_warning.h(32): warning #1224:
#warning directive: This file includes at least one deprecated or
antiquated header. Please consider using one of the 32 headers found
in section of the C++ standard. Examples include substituting
the <X> header for the <X.h> header for C++ includes, or <sstream>
instead of the deprecated header <strstream.h>. To disable this
warning use -Wno-deprecated.
#warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header. \
/usr/include/c++/3.2.3/limits(1736): error: asm statements not
supported in this environment
{ return __glibcpp_float_signaling_NaN; }
/usr/include/c++/3.2.3/limits(1736): error: expected a ")"
{ return __glibcpp_float_signaling_NaN; }
/usr/include/c++/3.2.3/limits(1813): error: asm statements not
supported in this environment
{ return __glibcpp_double_signaling_NaN; }
/usr/include/c++/3.2.3/limits(1813): error: expected a ")"
{ return __glibcpp_double_signaling_NaN; }
/usr/include/c++/3.2.3/limits(1894): error: asm statements not
supported in this environment
{ return __glibcpp_long_double_signaling_NaN; }
/usr/include/c++/3.2.3/limits(1894): error: expected a ")"
{ return __glibcpp_long_double_signaling_NaN; }
compilation aborted for xi-main.C (code 2)
Fatal Error by charmc in directory
Command icpc -fpic -I../bin/../include -D__CHARMC__=1 -c xi-main.C
-o xi-main.o returned error code 2
charmc exiting...
gmake[1]: *** [xi-main.o] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory
gmake: *** [headers] Error 2
Charm++ NOT BUILT. Either cd into mpi-linux-ia64-icc/tmp and try
to resolve the problems yourself, visit
for more information. Otherwise, email the developers at
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.6 : Wed Feb 29 2012 - 15:44:11 CST