Date: Tue May 30 2006 - 09:51:14 CDT
After not getting any response from neither users nor from NAMD TEAM, i m writing it again. I was wondering if someone could tell " IS PERIODIC VELOCITY PULLING POSSIBLE IN SMD USING NAMD".I want to pull my protein using x(t)=x'+sin(wt) rather than simply x(t) =x'+vt.
My second question is whether we can use "NOSE'-HOOVER THERMOSTAT" instead of LANGEVIN. Namd user guide talks something about using Nose'-Hoover pressure control for simualtions but is thermostat possible?
Any answer would be of great help
Harish Vashisth
Graduate Student(Ph.D)
CAT-361,Department of Chemical & Biological Engg.
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
office: 215-895-5823
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