From: Arneh Babakhani (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2006 - 14:49:42 CST
Hi Longzhu,
I've experienced the same problem, while building and equilibrating a
DMPC membrane. I was wondering if you found a solution? Or, did you try
applying constant area or constant surface tension, as some people
suggested? Did any of that help?
Longzhu Shen wrote:
>Dear All,
>I was trying simulating the POPE membrane with namd. I manually inserted a
>peptide into the POPE model, ran minimization, heated the system, performed
>position restrained md and free md. Everything went with along the
>simulation. However, when I checked the trajectories with VMD, I found the
>water on the two ends both moved toward the middle of the system. This made
>the two leaves of the POPE further inserted to each other and lipid bilayer
>severely crushed. The energy of the system looked stable during the whole
>process with VDW slightly less than zero. I'd attache the configuration file
>and wonder whether any kind guy could point out where I made mistakes. Many
>Longzhu Shen
># Input Force-Field Parameters
>paraTypeCharmm on
>parameters par_all27_prot_lipid.inp
>set import ions_added
>set export eqmd
>structure ${import}.psf
>coordinates ${import}.pdb
>#bincoordinates ${import}.coor
>#binvelocities ${import}.vel
>#extendedSystem ${import}.xsc
>set init_temp 0
>set desired_temp 310
># Output files & writing frequency for DCD
># and restart files
>outputname ${export}/eqmd
>binaryoutput no
>restartfreq 1000
>binaryrestart yes
>#dcdFile output/solvated_heat_out.dcd
># Frequencies for logs and the xst file
>outputEnergies 100
>outputTiming 100
>outputPressure 100
>xstFreq 1000
>dcdFreq 1000
># Timestep & friends
>timestep 1.0 ;# 1fs/step
>nonbondedFreq 1
>rigidBonds all
>rigidTolerance 0.00000001
>fullElectFrequency 4
>stepspercycle 20
># Simulation space partitioning
>switching on
>switchDist 10
>cutoff 12
>pairlistdist 16
># Basic dynamics
>temperature $init_temp
>COMmotion no
>dielectric 1.0
>exclude scaled1-4
>1-4scaling 1.0
># Particle Mesh Ewald parameters.
>PME yes
>PMEGridSizeX 54
>PMEGridSizeY 54
>PMEGridSizeZ 75
># Periodic boundary things
>wrapWater on
>wrapNearest on
>wrapAll on
>margin 3
>cellBasisVector1 52.45 0 0
>cellBasisVector2 0 51.35 0
>cellBasisVector3 0 0 74.67
>cellOrigin -22.69 -22.61 -0.76
># Fixed atoms for initial heating-up steps
>fixedAtoms on
>fixedAtomsForces on
>fixedAtomsFile fix_backbone.pdb
>fixedAtomsCol B
># Restrained atoms for initial heating-up steps
>constraints on
>consRef restrain_ca.pdb
>consKFile restrain_ca.pdb
>consKCol B
># Langevin dynamics parameters
>langevin on
>langevinDamping 1
>langevinTemp $desired_temp #
>langevinHydrogen on
>langevinPiston on
>langevinPistonTarget 1.01325
>langevinPistonPeriod 200
>langevinPistonDecay 100
>langevinPistonTemp $desired_temp #
>useGroupPressure yes
># The actual minimisation and heating-up
># run one step to get into scripting mode
>minimize 0
># turn off pressure control until later
>langevinPiston off
># minimize nonbackbone atoms
>minimize 2500 ;#
>output ${export}/min_fix
># min all atoms
>fixedAtoms off
>minimize 2500 ;#
>output ${export}/min_all
># heat with Ps restrained
>set temp $init_temp;
>while { $temp <= $desired_temp } { ;#
>langevinTemp $temp
>run 10000 ;#
>output ${export}/heating_Pr
>set temp [expr $temp + 31]
># equilibrate volume with Ps restrained
>langevinPiston on
>run 100000 ;#
>output ${export}/equil_Pr
># equilibrate volume without restraints
>constraintScaling 0
>run 500000 ;#
>output ${export}/equil
-- ---------------------------- Arneh Babakhani University of California at San Diego Physical Chemistry / Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Laboratory of Prof. J. A. McCammon 9500 Gilman Drive MC 0365 La Jolla, CA 92093-0365 (619)895-6540 (858)534-4974 (FAX)
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