From: Peter Freddolino (
Date: Wed Dec 20 2006 - 10:13:41 CST
> I've blindly implemented this in my TCLForces code but I'd be grateful if someone could tell me I'm thinking along the right lines - in particular I was surprised that the force applied is in fact linearly proportional to the distance from reference co-ordinates, whereas the energy scales by r^2... or am I missing something?
It's just a harmonic force; this isn't different from any other spring.
Would you expect something else?
> And most importantly for my purposes, will the reported energy be comparable, (in the same units etc), with the rest of the system energy?
Your approach sounds reasonable, so as long as you're using the same
constants and units you should get the same answer (since you're doing
the exact same calculation ;-). You'll need to check on the units for
the constant though; I believe namd keeps its internal distance units in
> Thanks a lot!
> Floris Buelens
> Department of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, London
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