From: Jerome Henin (
Date: Thu Oct 05 2006 - 22:08:18 CDT
Using VMD with the attached script should solve that. Just source the Tcl file
and use the 'unwrap' procedure.
Le mardi 3 octobre 2006 01:01, Gianluca Interlandi a écrit :
> I am performing a simulation of a complex consisting of two proteins. I am
> using the option "wrapAll on". One of the two proteins has reached one of
> the boundaries of the box and it has been wrapped around. The other
> protein is still in the same position.
> Is there a way to "recover" from the wrapping a posteriori, i.e., to bring
> the protein back to its original image?
> Thanks a lot,
> Gianluca
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Gianluca Interlandi
> +1 (206) 685 4435
> +1 (206) 714 4303
> Postdoc at the Department of Bioengineering
> at the University of Washington, Seattle WA U.S.A.
> -----------------------------------------------------
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