From: Peter Freddolino (
Date: Tue Jul 25 2006 - 10:50:20 CDT
Erm, sorry, that should read "the problem appears to be that the
nomenclature between the heavy atoms of your pdb file and the topology
file doesn't match".
Peter Freddolino wrote:
> Dear John,
> in both cases, the problem appears to be that the nomenclature between
> the heavy atoms of your pdb file and the topology file. After I
> renamed these atoms (replacing all instances of * with ') I got an atp
> molecule with the correct chirality. I have attached my modified input
> and output pdb; please verify that you can reproduce this. This
> problem is also what is causing the coordinates to look pretty bad in
> your output files -- you're getting guessed coordinates for the entire
> sugar.
> Best,
> Peter
> John Wise wrote:
>> Peter,
>> Sorry for the mangled files. Please find attached a tarball with all
>> relevant files. I appreciated your taking a look.
>> Regards,
>> John
>> Peter Freddolino wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> could you please compress and resend the attached files to avoid
>>> having them get mangled by email? This sounds very surprising
>>> because psfgen should not touch the coordinates of heavy atoms that
>>> are already present. In any case, I'll have a look.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Peter
>>> John Wise wrote:
>>>> Dear Listmembers,
>>>> If you use ATP residues built by psfgen and CHARMM27 All-Hydrogen
>>>> Nucleic Acid Topology Files, I believe that the resulting molecule
>>>> has mistakes in its chiral centers that may introduce artifacts in
>>>> your simulation results.
>>>> Our group does ESR measurements using various stable radical
>>>> molecular probes and one of these is a modified ATP molecule. In
>>>> the process of building and testing topology and parameter files
>>>> for simulating this new residue, I have noticed that psfgen inverts
>>>> the configuration of the C1' and C3' chiral centers when it builds
>>>> an all hydrogen ATP using crystallographic (heavy atom) coordinates
>>>> of ATP. This will definitely spoil any analysis using this ATP
>>>> residue since the molecule built by psfgen is not ATP (it does not
>>>> contain ribose, but an enantiomer of ribose).
>>>> For example, using the top_all27_prot_na.inp topology file and ATP
>>>> coordinates taken from 1DX4 (see atp.pdb below), building an all
>>>> hydrogen ATP results in inverted chiral centers at C1' and C3' (or
>>>> relatively speaking C2' and C4'). The incorrect configuration is
>>>> visible right away, even though the top_all27_prot_na_inp topology
>>>> file fails to set the C4' hydrogen. It is easier to see after
>>>> minimization (see the resulting minimized "incorrect ATP" -
>>>> atp_test_min.pdb below). The problem is that the configuration at
>>>> these chiral atoms is correct in the original heavy atom pdb
>>>> coordinates, but I believe psfgen sets them wrong while it is
>>>> building the all hydrogen ATP.
>>>> Viewing the correct configuration for beta-D-ribofuranosyl residues
>>>> in ATP in either C3'-endo or C2'-endo forms has the adenine and C5'
>>>> substituents on the opposite "side" of the ring to the C2'- and
>>>> C3'-OH groups. psfgen does not get this correct.
>>>> I have included the build script (atp_test.pgn) and the
>>>> minimization script (atp_test_min.conf) for anyone interested in
>>>> reproducing this (see below). Note that if you try to reproduce
>>>> this with the minimization using par_all27_prot_na_lipids_full.inp
>>>> with ATP built with top_all27_prot_na.inp you will have to change
>>>> the C2' and C4' ATOM-types for residue ATP in top_all27_prot_na.inp
>>>> to CN7B and CN8B respectively (see old posts in the list for
>>>> resolution of this problem).
>>>> Variations I have tried include:
>>>> (a) Eliminating the chiral atoms from the coordinate file and
>>>> relying on the IC table to set them. Still does not result in the
>>>> correct chiral configurations.
>>>> (b) I have tried a number of coordinates for ATP from other pdb
>>>> files - same result.
>>>> (c) Using the latest top and par files (c32b1) - same result.
>>>> (d) Rewriting the IC table using an experimentally (NMR) determined
>>>> all hydrogen ATP analog structure to explicitely set the chirality
>>>> at all of the chiral centers in the IC table. (Anyone who wants
>>>> these new top files, please ask and I'll send them right out.)
>>>> Although the new topology file results in correct configurations at
>>>> C1', C2' and C4' (and the C4' hydrogen sets properly), the
>>>> resultant "ATP" still does not have the correct configuration for
>>>> the C3' atom.
>>>> I am really perplexed by this and am running out of ideas to try.
>>>> It would be great if someone could prove me wrong about this!
>>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> John
>>>> Files to reproduce this:
>>>> (If you use top_all27_prot_na.inp, don't forget to change the C2'
>>>> and C4' ATOM types - see above).
>>>> atp.pdb (original no hydrogen coordinates from 1DX4)
>>>> CRYST1 177.820 68.989 56.593 90.00 104.15 90.00 P 1 1
>>>> ATOM 1 PG ATP X 676 14.097 0.957 15.066 1.00
>>>> 15.67 ATOM 2 O1G ATP X 676 15.430 0.883
>>>> 15.756 1.00 17.70 ATOM 3 O2G ATP X 676 12.862
>>>> 0.767 15.836 1.00 15.53 ATOM 4 O3G ATP X 676
>>>> 14.243 -0.076 13.974 1.00 13.95 ATOM 5 PB ATP X
>>>> 676 14.852 3.282 13.423 1.00 12.74 ATOM 6
>>>> O1B ATP X 676 16.289 2.919 13.320 1.00 15.00
>>>> ATOM 7 O2B ATP X 676 14.475 3.413 12.017 1.00
>>>> 15.72 ATOM 8 O3B ATP X 676 13.934 2.348
>>>> 14.286 1.00 15.28 ATOM 9 PA ATP X 676 15.477
>>>> 5.919 14.499 1.00 13.47 ATOM 10 O1A ATP X 676
>>>> 16.312 5.772 15.724 1.00 13.31 ATOM 11 O2A ATP X
>>>> 676 16.224 6.277 13.300 1.00 13.42 ATOM 12
>>>> O3A ATP X 676 14.624 4.611 14.270 1.00 11.30
>>>> ATOM 13 O5* ATP X 676 14.361 6.949 14.812 1.00
>>>> 15.95 ATOM 14 C5* ATP X 676 13.331 7.464
>>>> 13.937 1.00 13.15 ATOM 15 C4* ATP X 676 12.244
>>>> 8.018 14.821 1.00 13.39 ATOM 16 O4* ATP X 676
>>>> 12.824 9.043 15.673 1.00 15.92 ATOM 17 C3* ATP X
>>>> 676 11.052 8.645 14.062 1.00 15.86 ATOM 18
>>>> O3* ATP X 676 9.792 8.347 14.700 1.00 16.75
>>>> ATOM 19 C2* ATP X 676 11.403 10.126 14.183 1.00
>>>> 16.79 ATOM 20 O2* ATP X 676 10.264 10.991
>>>> 14.099 1.00 16.14 ATOM 21 C1* ATP X 676 12.108
>>>> 10.232 15.567 1.00 14.13 ATOM 22 N9 ATP X 676
>>>> 12.937 11.424 15.757 1.00 12.81 ATOM 23 C8 ATP X
>>>> 676 13.995 11.865 15.027 1.00 10.25 ATOM 24
>>>> N7 ATP X 676 14.490 13.007 15.514 1.00 15.38
>>>> ATOM 25 C5 ATP X 676 13.697 13.308 16.608 1.00
>>>> 13.47 ATOM 26 C6 ATP X 676 13.689 14.373
>>>> 17.556 1.00 15.40 ATOM 27 N6 ATP X 676 14.530
>>>> 15.409 17.536 1.00 19.72 ATOM 28 N1 ATP X 676
>>>> 12.752 14.389 18.568 1.00 14.41 ATOM 29 C2 ATP X
>>>> 676 11.837 13.329 18.635 1.00 11.77 ATOM 30
>>>> N3 ATP X 676 11.766 12.299 17.803 1.00 9.60
>>>> ATOM 31 C4 ATP X 676 12.738 12.329 16.802 1.00
>>>> 9.57 END
>>>> atp_test.pgn (the script I used to build atp_test.psf and
>>>> atp_test.pdb)
>>>> # You need to create working directory "output" in the build
>>>> directory;
>>>> # You need to remove old output files before running again
>>>> # from shell, run: rm -f output/*.pdb output/*.psf
>>>> resetpsf
>>>> package require psfgen
>>>> # correct topology file needs to be in ../toppar
>>>> topology ../toppar/top_all27_prot_na.inp
>>>> # atp.pdb needs to be in ../common
>>>> segment X {
>>>> pdb ../common/atp.pdb
>>>> }
>>>> # patches should be added here
>>>> writepsf output/atp_test.psf
>>>> pdbalias residue HIS HSE
>>>> pdbalias atom ILE CD1 CD
>>>> coordpdb ../common/atp.pdb X
>>>> guesscoord
>>>> writepdb output/atp_test.pdb
>>>> # exit
>>>> atp_test_min.conf (the conf file to minimize the ATP in vacuo)
>>>> #############################################################
>>>> #############################################################
>>>> # Minimization of
>>>> # atp_test
>>>> # in vacuo
>>>> #
>>>> #############################################################
>>>> #############################################################
>>>> structure ../common/atp_test.psf
>>>> coordinates ../common/atp_test.pdb
>>>> set outputname atp_test_min
>>>> set temperature 310
>>>> firsttimestep 0
>>>> #############################################################
>>>> #############################################################
>>>> # Input
>>>> paraTypeCharmm on
>>>> parameters ../toppar/par_all27_prot_na_lipids_full.inp
>>>> temperature $temperature ;# if restarting
>>>> # Force-Field Parameters
>>>> exclude scaled1-4
>>>> 1-4scaling 1.0
>>>> cutoff 12.
>>>> switching on
>>>> switchdist 10.
>>>> pairlistdist 13.5
>>>> # Integrator Parameters
>>>> timestep 1.0 ;# 1fs/step
>>>> # rigidBonds water ;# "all" needed for 2fs steps
>>>> nonbondedFreq 1
>>>> fullElectFrequency 2 stepspercycle 10
>>>> # Constant Temperature Control
>>>> langevin on ;# do langevin dynamics
>>>> langevinDamping 5 ;# damping coefficient (gamma) of 5/ps
>>>> langevinTemp $temperature
>>>> langevinHydrogen off ;# don't couple langevin bath to
>>>> hydrogens
>>>> # Output
>>>> outputName $outputname
>>>> restartfreq 500 ;# 500steps = every 1/2 ps
>>>> dcdfreq 500 ;# 500steps = every 1/2 p
>>>> xstFreq 250
>>>> outputEnergies 100
>>>> outputPressure 100
>>>> outputTiming 1000
>>>> # minimize
>>>> minimize 3000
>>>> atp_test_min.pdb (results of the psfgen build and namd2 minimization)
>>>> CRYST1 1.000 1.000 1.000 90.00 90.00 90.00 P 1 1
>>>> ATOM 1 C4' ATP X 676 13.847 8.387 15.083 1.00
>>>> 0.00 X ATOM 2 H4' ATP X 676 14.762 8.884
>>>> 14.696 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 3 O4' ATP X 676 13.327
>>>> 9.230 16.160 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 4 C1' ATP X 676
>>>> 12.351 10.102 15.638 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 5 H1' ATP X
>>>> 676 11.399 9.843 16.156 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 6
>>>> C5 ATP X 676 12.886 13.573 16.529 1.00 0.00 X
>>>> ATOM 7 N7 ATP X 676 14.104 13.281 15.924 1.00
>>>> 0.00 X ATOM 8 C8 ATP X 676 13.975 12.023
>>>> 15.572 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 9 H8 ATP X 676 14.744
>>>> 11.423 15.076 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 10 N9 ATP X 676
>>>> 12.754 11.478 15.896 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 11 N1 ATP X
>>>> 676 11.142 14.717 17.658 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 12
>>>> C2 ATP X 676 10.441 13.585 17.551 1.00 0.00 X
>>>> ATOM 13 H2 ATP X 676 9.433 13.610 17.975 1.00
>>>> 0.00 X ATOM 14 N3 ATP X 676 10.798 12.416
>>>> 17.020 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 15 C4 ATP X 676 12.045
>>>> 12.474 16.518 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 16 C6 ATP X 676
>>>> 12.394 14.740 17.148 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 17 N6 ATP X
>>>> 676 13.115 15.865 17.278 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 18
>>>> H61 ATP X 676 12.704 16.608 17.795 1.00 0.00 X
>>>> ATOM 19 H62 ATP X 676 14.071 15.886 17.001 1.00
>>>> 0.00 X ATOM 20 C2' ATP X 676 12.213 9.833
>>>> 14.151 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 21 H2'' ATP X 676 12.822
>>>> 10.542 13.546 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 22 O2' ATP X 676
>>>> 10.866 9.864 13.728 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 23 H2' ATP X
>>>> 676 10.777 9.099 13.136 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 24
>>>> C3' ATP X 676 12.769 8.438 13.992 1.00 0.00 X
>>>> ATOM 25 H3' ATP X 676 12.028 7.629 14.197 1.00
>>>> 0.00 X ATOM 26 O3' ATP X 676 13.335 8.323
>>>> 12.683 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 27 H3T ATP X 676 13.776
>>>> 7.420 12.629 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 28 C5' ATP X 676
>>>> 14.192 7.004 15.635 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 29 H5' ATP X
>>>> 676 13.305 6.332 15.526 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 30
>>>> H5'' ATP X 676 14.403 7.068 16.723 1.00 0.00 X
>>>> ATOM 31 O5' ATP X 676 15.384 6.497 14.996 1.00
>>>> 0.00 X ATOM 32 PA ATP X 676 15.311 5.411
>>>> 13.826 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 33 O1A ATP X 676 16.703
>>>> 4.909 13.752 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 34 O2A ATP X 676
>>>> 14.848 6.259 12.693 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 35 O3A ATP X
>>>> 676 14.393 4.431 14.523 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 36
>>>> PB ATP X 676 13.445 3.809 13.391 1.00 0.00 X
>>>> ATOM 37 O1B ATP X 676 14.245 3.181 12.234 1.00
>>>> 0.00 X ATOM 38 O2B ATP X 676 12.390 4.879
>>>> 13.047 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 39 O3B ATP X 676 12.735
>>>> 2.599 14.303 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 40 PG ATP X 676
>>>> 11.610 1.380 14.531 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 41 O1G ATP X
>>>> 676 12.362 0.223 15.197 1.00 0.00 X ATOM 42
>>>> O2G ATP X 676 10.532 1.954 15.453 1.00 0.00 X
>>>> ATOM 43 O3G ATP X 676 11.054 0.988 13.162 1.00
>>>> 0.00 X END
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