From: Jérôme Hénin (
Date: Wed Jul 05 2006 - 16:36:22 CDT
You should use a Tcl loop to automate the mutations:
for {set i 1; $i <= MAX; incr i} {
mutate $i GLY
Or you might have to build a list of residue IDs and use
foreach i $reslist {
mutate $i GLY
On Sunday 02 July 2006 02:24, Pijush Ghosh wrote:
> Dear All,
> In one of my protein I have around 100 serine domains and I want to
> mutate all of those with some amino acid say GLY.
> The following command:
> {mutate 2 GLY}
> will only mutate resid 2 to GLY. If I follow this, then I have to write 100
> lines to run psfgen, which sounds very odd. Is there any other way by which
> I can do this easily? Is there any option by which it can mutate the amino
> acids by resname and not resid, in that case life will become lot easier.
> Looking forward for some comment and suggestion.
> Pijush,
> Pijush Ghosh
> PhD Student
> Department of Civil Engineering
> North Dakota State University
> Fargo. ND. 58105. USA
> Phone:
> 701-231-6491(Lab)
> 701-231-4341(Res)
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