From: Taeho Kim (
Date: Fri Jun 16 2006 - 02:45:55 CDT
Thank you mark.
Mark Abraham ¾´ ±Û:
> Taeho Kim wrote:
>> I think that free energy is changed When ions passing a pore of channel.
>> So, I want to check it.
> It sounds like you want the so-called TI or thermodynamic integration
> methods. See the paper here
> for a starting point - it's just the first paper Google referenced and a
> starting point for you to read, because it is not an original TI paper.
> Mark
-- Taeho Kim(±èÅÂÈ£), Ph.D student Mitochondrial Signaling Laboratory, Dept. of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, College of Medicine, Inje University.Gaegeum2dong Busanji-gu Busan 713-614, Korea phone: 92 51 890 6714 fax: 82 51 894 5714
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