From: Elsa F. Sousa Henriques (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2006 - 04:24:33 CDT
If you take a look at
there are a number of useful scripts to pass the "nodelist" to charmrun
in parallel networks.
Hope it helps,
Quoting Edelmiro Moman <>:
> Hi,
> I would like to run NAMD in a AMD64 Linux cluster. This is what I
> learned from the manual/release notes:
> The same binaries used for individual workstations as described above
> can be used with charmrun to run in parallel on a workstation network.
> The only difference is that you must provide a "nodelist" file listing
> the machines where namd2 processes should run, for example:
> group main
> host brutus
> host romeo
> The "group main" line defines the default machine list. Hosts brutus
> and romeo are the two machines on which to run the simulation. Note
> that charmrun may run on one of those machines, or charmrun may run
> on a third machine. All machines used for a simulation must be of the
> same type and have access to the same namd2 binary.
> My question is, where the "nodelist" file should be located? I guess
> it should be in the working directory so that one can define a
> different list of nodes for each run. Is that correct? Will charmrun
> look for the file automatically?
> Cheers,
> Miro
-- Elsa Henriques, Ph.D. Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies Tel: +49 (0)69 798 47502 Max von Laue Str. 1, room 1.215 Fax: +49 (0)69 798 47611 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany E-mail: .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. X|||\ /|||X|||\ /|||X|||\ /|||X|||\ /|||X|||\ /|||X.-. .-. \|||X|||/ "There is no gene for the human spirit" |||\ /|||X `-' `-' \|||X|||/ \|||X|||/ \|||X|||/ \|||X|||/ \|||X|||/ `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' in Gattaca(1997)
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