From: Sławek Orłowski (
Date: Thu May 18 2006 - 03:40:05 CDT
Do you also load the *.pdb file? (command: vmd *.pdb *.psf)
Best regards,
Slawek Orlowski
Ayse Ozlem Sezerman wrote:
>Hello to Everyone,
>I am a new user of NAMD. I have done several simulations and now I want to
>calculate the RMSDs.
>But when I load the psf file and then the dcd file to VMD , no molecule appears
>in the openGL display. It seems to be loaded when I look at C:\ VMD 1.8.4
>window but the molecule doesnot appear on the display.
>Also when I try todo the tcl script for RMSD as it is given in the manual, it
>does not perform.
>Does someone know what could it be?
>Thanks alot
>MSc.Material Sci. and Eng.
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