From: Sabuj Pattanayek (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2006 - 14:09:45 CST
Well, I was able to get it to build using:
./build AMPI mpi-linux smp gcc --basedir=/path/to/mpi -O2 -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1
anyone know why the SMP option is not available on x86_64 and ia64?
Sabuj Pattanayek wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting a configure error while trying to build charm++ (so that I
> can eventually build namd). The error is given in the forwarded email
> below I had originally sent to the charm++ developers (no response yet).
> In addition to what I have already tried below, I also tried adding
> --basedir=/path/to/mpich2 in the charm++ build line but that didn't help.
> Thanks,
> Sabuj Pattanayek
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Fwd: build script in charm++-5.9 does not find mpicc or mpicxx
> for mpi-linux version]
> Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 10:41:06 -0600
> From: Sabuj Pattanayek <>
> To:
> Hi,
> I also tried making a link from mpiCC to mpicxx in the bin path for the
> mpich2 compilers but that didn't seem to help either. The script still
> returns the same error. Looking at the configure file it seems that a
> "Hello world" program is compiled using the compiler in question. I was
> able to compile this program using mpiCC (linked to mpicxx). Perhaps
> mpicxx doesn't like some of the flags in the test_cxx() function in the
> configure script?
> Thanks,
> Sabuj Pattanayek
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: build script in charm++-5.9 does not find mpicc or mpicxx for
> mpi-linux version
> Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 09:38:34 -0600
> From: Sabuj Pattanayek <>
> To:
> Hi,
> I am trying to build charm++-5.9 using the following command:
> ./build charm++ mpi-linux smp -O2
> everything is fine until this in the build script:
> checking machine name... mpi-linux-smp
> set C++ compiler as: mpiCC -D_REENTRANT
> checking "whether C++ compiler works"... "no"
> Cannot compile C++ programs with mpiCC -D_REENTRANT
> (check your charm++ version)
> make[1]: *** [conv-autoconfig.h] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/sb/apps/charm++-5.9/src/mpi-linux-smp/tmp'
> make: *** [headers] Error 2
> the following compilers are in my path:
> 49 trigger:/sb/apps/charm++-5.9% which mpicc
> /sb/apps/mpich2-1.0.3/Linux2/i686/bin/mpicc
> 50 trigger:/sb/apps/charm++-5.9% which mpicxx
> /sb/apps/mpich2-1.0.3/Linux2/i686/bin/mpicxx
> Why is it looking for "mpiCC" as the MPI C++ compiler? Shouldn't it have
> found mpicxx instead? For example if I build net-linux it properly finds
> g++ as the C++ compiler and begins to compile. Can I set some
> environment variables (e.g. MPICH_CXX or MPICH_CC) so that the compilers
> are properly found?
> Thanks,
> Sabuj Pattanayek
> CSB, Vanderbilt University
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