From: Dan Strahs (
Date: Thu Oct 13 2005 - 15:46:42 CDT
Thanks for the responses, Michael and Brian.
So what I gather is that this would be doable if;
1) the communication between the grid and server is not significant
and 2) if the calculations could be secured.
These seem tractable issues for the most part, even for large simulations
a la Schulten etc. Perhaps even load balancing could be partially
parallelized and farmed out.
Security will always be a problem in large-scale distributed computing due
to systemic hacking, but small-scale? If the grid is geographically
localized to a managable facility, such as a university or company, then
security is enhanced by anonymity.
Dan Strahs
On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, Brian Bennion wrote:
> Hello,
> While the idea of distributed computing sounds great and has seen some
> success, I would never trust the results completely.
> Even the most popular venture, seti_at_home, has been plagued with secure
> data transfer. Nefarious people just love throwing random data around
> or makeing trojans. Then the data gets picked up and put into a
> publication. IMHO the time trying to
> check and secure your data stream isn't worth it and can be better spent
> on sustaining your own machines.
> Just my 0.02 (can't tell I work at a secure (paranoid) facility can you ;)
> Regards
> Brian
> On Wed, 12 Oct 2005, Dan Strahs wrote:
> >
> > Hello:
> >
> > I have a bit of an odd idea, but it struck me as I walked past a bank of
> > computers all running Folding_at_Home. Has anyone done anything towards
> > integrating NAMD with distributed grid computing methods? While this is
> > clearly feasible, is it useful?
> >
> > Perhaps a NAMD based screen saver, working with the BOINC (Berkeley Open
> > Infrastucture for Network Computing)? Just a thought - I think I could
> > harvest some significant CPU cycles if this pans out - the source of the
> > CPU cycles I hope to claim is currently in the top 10% of Folding_at_Home
> > teams.
> >
> > Dan Strahs
> >
> >
> ************************************************
> Brian Bennion, Ph.D.
> Bioscience Directorate
> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
> P.O. Box 808, L-448
> 7000 East Avenue phone: (925) 422-5722
> Livermore, CA 94550 fax: (925) 424-6605
> ************************************************
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