Date: Mon Jul 18 2005 - 06:56:03 CDT
Hi all,
I have gradually heated my system over some ps to 300k, and when I’m
trying to apply position restrained MD using this script:
fixedAtoms on
fixedAtomsFile fix_mysysteme.pdb ;# only fix backbone.
fixedAtomsCol B
fixedAtomsForces on
I have received the following error message (see attached .log file):
ERROR: Atom 3429 velocity is -16402.4 -14246.5 -6641.39 (limit is 10000)
Did some one know why the velocities exceed its limit and is it possible
to change this limit?
Thanks for any help.
-- Mustapha Hamdi Laboratoire Vision et Robotique ENSI de Bourges 10 Bd Lahitolle 18000 Bourges France. Tel: (+33) 2 48 48 40 79 GSM: (+33) 6 24 95 39 53 Fax: (+33) 2 48 48 40 40
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