From: Leandro Martínez (
Date: Fri Jun 10 2005 - 13:55:53 CDT
Dear all,
I have updated my tcl and the problem disappeared. So it was probably
a bug of my old tcl. Thanks all.
On 6/10/05, Leandro Martínez <> wrote:
> Dear NAMD users,
> I'm trying to run an external program from a tclForcesScript, this
> external program
> computes some force that I need to apply some atoms in my simulation. My
> tc/external program interface works fine when I run my simulation in a single
> processor. However, when I try to run the simulation in more than one
> processor (using charmrun) the tcl script eventually fails on getting the output
> from my external program. I have localized the error, and it also
> occurs in the following
> simple scripts:
> tclForces on
> tclForcesScript {
> proc calcforces { } {
> set test [open |date r+]
> flush $test
> gets $test output
> print $output
> close $test
> }
> }
> or
> tclForces on
> tclForcesScript {
> proc calcforces { } {
> set test [ exec date ]
> print $test
> }
> }
> The simulation runs fine for several steps, but it eventually stops
> and the following error appears.
> Does anybody knows how to solve this problem or why it occurs?
> Thanks in advance,
> Leandro.
> FATAL ERROR: error reading output from command: interrupted system call
> while executing
> "exec date "
> (procedure "calcforces" line 2)
> invoked from within
> "calcforces"
> ------------- Processor 0 Exiting: Called CmiAbort ------------
> Reason: FATAL ERROR: error reading output from command: interrupted system call
> while executing
> "exec date "
> (procedure "calcforces" line 2)
> invoked from within
> "calcforces"
> Stack Traceback:
> [0] _ZN15GlobalMasterTcl9calculateEv+0x21b [0x81c8103]
> [1] _ZN12GlobalMaster11processDataEPiS0_P6VectorS2_S2_S0_S0_S2_S0_S0_S2_+0x6f
> [0x81c16df]
> [2] _ZN18GlobalMasterServer11callClientsEv+0x428 [0x81c3384]
> [3] _ZN18GlobalMasterServer8recvDataEP20ComputeGlobalDataMsg+0x44a
> [0x81c2b22]
> [4] _ZN10ComputeMgr21recvComputeGlobalDataEP20ComputeGlobalDataMsg+0x1c
> [0x811b034]
> [5] _ZN18CkIndex_ComputeMgr48_call_recvComputeGlobalData_ComputeGlobalDataMsgEPvP10ComputeMgr+0x11
> [0x811b011]
> [6] CkDeliverMessageFree+0x21 [0x827c1f9]
> [7] _Z15_processHandlerPvP11CkCoreState+0x393 [0x827d5e3]
> [8] CmiHandleMessage+0x1d [0x82b5e25]
> [9] _ZN9ScriptTcl7suspendEv+0xc [0x8228c68]
> [10] _ZN9ScriptTcl13runControllerEi+0x3f [0x8228c4f]
> [11] _ZN9ScriptTcl7Tcl_runEPvP10Tcl_InterpiPPc+0xf4 [0x82292cc]
> [12] TclInvokeStringCommand+0x6d [0x82c5145]
> [13] /home/lmartinez/namd/NAMD_2.5_Linux-i686/namd2 [0x82f946a]
> [14] Tcl_EvalEx+0x1cc [0x82f9b7c]
> [15] Tcl_EvalFile+0x157 [0x82f1ce3]
> [16] _ZN9ScriptTcl3runEPc+0x1a [0x8228b76]
> [17] main+0x1d2 [0x80ed052]
> [18] __libc_start_main+0x93 [0x4007a507]
> [19] sinh+0x65 [0x80eaed1]
> req_handle_abort called
> Fatal error on PE 0> FATAL ERROR: error reading output from command:
> interrupted system call
> while executing
> "exec date "
> (procedure "calcforces" line 2)
> invoked from within
> "calcforces"
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