From: Gengbin Zheng (
Date: Wed Mar 16 2005 - 00:24:54 CST
How about comment out the top 3 lines in src/CollectionMaster.C:
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#define _LARGE_FILE
Chris Samuel wrote:
>On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 11:08 am, Jordi Camps wrote:
>>Thank you very much for your fast answer. The define worked, and the
>>compilation process advanced until it hit the CollectionMaster.C file. Now,
>>when I'm compiling I get the following error:
>> ~/MD/NAMD/NAMD_2.5_Source/Linux-PPC-MPI-xlC $ mpicxx -w
>>-I.rootdir/charm-5.8/mpi-linux-gm2-xlc64/include -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1 -Isrc
>>-Iinc -DNAMD_VERSION=\"2.5\" -DNAMD_PLATFORM=\"Linux-PPC-MPI-xlC-MPI\" -O3
>>-o obj/CollectionMaster.o -c src/CollectionMaster.C
>> "/usr/include/g++/cstdio", line 108.9: 1540-0130 (S) "::fgetpos" is
>>not declared.
>I'm trying to build NAMD2 from CVS on SuSE SLES9 on an IBM Power5 (OpenPOWER720)
>cluster connected with Myrinet and have just hit the very same problem. This appears to
>be a not unknown problem, see these two URLs for more information:
>I'm pondering trying to compile NAMD without large file support to see how much further
>I can get, but obviously I'd prefer it to just work. :-)
>Oh, the IBM compilers for PPC64 Linux don't support the -no_gcc flag. :-(
>Anyone got any clues ?
>Here's what we see:
>mpiCC -I/usr/local/src/NAMD/NAMD2-CVS/charm/mpi-linux-ppc64-gm2-xlc64/include -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1 -Isrc -Iinc -I/Projects/namd2/plugins/LINUXPPC64 -I/Projects/namd2/plugins/LINUXPPC64/molfile -I/Projects/namd2/plugins/include -I/root/plugins/LINUXPPC64 -I/root/plugins/LINUXPPC64/molfile -I/root/plugins/include -DNAMD_PLUGINS -DNAMD_TCL -DNAMD_FFTW -DNAMD_VERSION=\"2.5\" -DNAMD_PLATFORM=\"Linux-ppc64-MPI\" -O0 -q64 -qnowarn64 -DNO_STRSTREAM_H -o obj/CollectionMaster.o -c src/CollectionMaster.C
>"/usr/include/g++/cstdio", line 108.9: 1540-0130 (S) "::fgetpos" is not declared.
>"/usr/include/g++/cstdio", line 110.9: 1540-0130 (S) "::fopen" is not declared.
>"/usr/include/g++/cstdio", line 115.9: 1540-0130 (S) "::freopen" is not declared.
>"/usr/include/g++/cstdio", line 118.9: 1540-0130 (S) "::fsetpos" is not declared.
>"/usr/include/g++/cstdio", line 137.9: 1540-0130 (S) "::tmpfile" is not declared.
>"src/CollectionMaster.C", line 106.24: 1540-0274 (S) The name lookup for "fopen" did not find a declaration.
>"/usr/include/g++/cstdio", line 63.8: 1540-2407 (I) The local macro "fopen" is not visible in the current source.
>"/usr/include/g++/bits/sstream.tcc", line 57.76: 1540-2908 (W) The subscript -1 is less than zero. The subscript of an array should be greater than or equal to zero.
>"/usr/include/g++/bits/sstream.tcc", line 46.5: 1540-0700 (I) The previous message was produced while processing "std::basic_stringbuf<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::pbackfail(int_type)".
>"/usr/include/g++/sstream", line 62.11: 1540-0700 (I) The previous message was produced while processing "class std::basic_stringbuf<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >".
>"/usr/include/g++/sstream", line 407.11: 1540-0700 (I) The previous message was produced while processing "class std::basic_ostringstream<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >".
>"src/InfoStream.h", line 32.7: 1540-0700 (I) The previous message was produced while processing "class infostream".
>make: *** [obj/CollectionMaster.o] Error 1
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