From: Brian Bennion (
Date: Tue Oct 18 2005 - 10:47:16 CDT
You need to make sure some type of fortran compiler is availabe during the
building process.
The first line states that ifc is not found. Check the path to this
command and make sure it is correct in the build scripts.
On Tue, 18 Oct 2005, ashwin joshi wrote:
> Hi,
> I am facing problems in compilation of NAMD on 64 bit 8-way NUMA machine
> (IBM x460 with Fedora Core 3) with icc.
> I used NAMD version 2.5 and charm++ library, mpich 1.2.7 and tried with both
> icc-8 and icc-9.
> 1.MPICH was compiled with some warnings with options to use icc and
> --disable-f77.
> 2.When I continued to build charm,it gave me following errors:
> -------------------------------------
> creating ../lib/libconv-util.a
> ../bin/charmc -O -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1 -build-shared -c pup_f.f90
> ../bin/charmc: line 144: ifc: command not found
> Fatal Error by charmc in directory /mnt/sdb5/ragnar/NAMD64-
> icc/NAMD/NAMD_2.5_Source/charm/mpi-linux-icc/tmp
> Command ifc -auto -D__CHARMC__=1 -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1 -O -
> I../bin/../include -c pup_f.f90 -o pup_f.o returned error code 127
> charmc exiting...
> make: [pup_f.o] Error 1 (ignored)
> ../bin/charmc -O -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1 -build-shared -
> cpmod ../include pupmod.M
> cp: cannot stat `PUPMOD': No such file or directory
> Fatal Error by charmc in directory /mnt/sdb5/ragnar/NAMD64-
> icc/NAMD/NAMD_2.5_Source/charm/mpi-linux-icc/tmp
> Command cp -p PUPMOD ../include/ returned error code 1
> charmc exiting...
> make: [pup_f.o] Error 1 (ignored)
> ../bin/charmc -O -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1 -build-shared -o ../lib/libconv-
> utilf.a pup_f.o
> ar: creating ../lib/libconv-utilf.a
> ar: pup_f.o: No such file or directory
> Fatal Error by charmc in directory /mnt/sdb5/ragnar/NAMD64-
> icc/NAMD/NAMD_2.5_Source/charm/mpi-linux-icc/tmp
> Command ar q ../lib/libconv-utilf.a pup_f.o returned error code 1
> charmc exiting...
> Yet,it gives the message that `charm was built successfully` at the end.
> 3.When I proceeded to run charm,I got following linking errors:
> IPO Error: unresolved : MPI_Wtime
> Referenced in libconv-cplus-y.a(machine.o)
> IPO Error: unresolved : MPI_Test
> Referenced in libconv-cplus-y.a(machine.o)
> IPO Error: unresolved : lam_mpi_comm_world
> Referenced in libconv-cplus-y.a(machine.o)
> ........
> IPO Error: unresolved : MPI_Finalize
> Referenced in libconv-cplus-y.a(machine.o)
> ../../../bin/../lib/libconv-cplus-y.a(machine.o)(.text+0x320): In
> function `PumpMsgs':
> : undefined reference to `lam_mpi_comm_world'
> ../../../bin/../lib/libconv-cplus-y.a(machine.o)(.text+0x34c): In
> function `PumpMsgs':
> : undefined reference to `lam_mpi_byte'
> ..........
> ../../../bin/../lib/libconv-cplus-y.a(machine.o)(.text+0x1029): In
> function `CmiAbort':
> : undefined reference to `lam_mpi_comm_world'
> ../../../bin/../lib/libconv-cplus-y.a(machine.o)(.text+0x1063): In
> function `ConverseInit':
> : undefined reference to `lam_mpi_comm_world'
> ../../../bin/../lib/libconv-cplus-y.a(machine.o)(.text+0x1072): In
> function `ConverseInit':
> : undefined reference to `lam_mpi_comm_world'
> Can someone help me with this issue?
> Thanks in advance.
> Ashwin.
Brian Bennion, Ph.D.
Bioscience Directorate
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.O. Box 808, L-448
7000 East Avenue phone: (925) 422-5722
Livermore, CA 94550 fax: (925) 424-6605
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