From: Leonardo Sepulveda Durán (
Date: Tue Sep 13 2005 - 11:38:21 CDT
So big?? in relation to what??? Energy is an extensive variable, so it
depends on the number of pairs used to calculate interaction energy, or the
interface area. And how they correlate with experimental values?? are you
talking about Free energy of interaction? From my Knowledge the free energy
of interaction cannot be obtained from the interaction energy alone, maybe
that is why you think energy values are so high.
On 9/13/05, Anna Modzelewska <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I calculated the pair interactions energy between two proteins and I got
> values about -2500. Is it in kcal/mole?
> If yes, why these energies are so big? How to correlate them with
> experimental values?
> Thank you
> Anna
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leonardo Andres Sepúlveda Durán Graduado de Bioquimica Universidad de Chile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manuel Antonio Maira 987 depto. # 302 Providencia Santiago Chile Codigo postal: 752-0249 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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