From: Pijush Ghosh (
Date: Fri Sep 02 2005 - 10:54:54 CDT
I am facing some problem in restarting my simulation. May be I am
committing some mistake in my configuration file. For my first simulation I
am using these commands in configuration file ( a part of course):
numsteps 1000
binaryoutput yes
restartname pijushrestart
restartfreq 10
to start my second simulation from the last point of the my first I am
using the following commands in the configuration file:
numsteps 2000
bincoordinates pijushrestart.coor
binvelocities pijushrestart.vel
I tried running the second configuration file but it is giving some error
related to the coordinate file and velocity file. Since I am running
simulations for longer time, I need to use restart option. I have tried with
binaryrestart option as 'yes' also. I am using NAMD 2.5. Any suggestion or
advice is highly appreciated.
Pijush Ghosh
PhD Student
Department of Civil Engineering
North Dakota State University
Fargo. ND. 58105. USA
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