From: ËïæÃæà (
Date: Fri Jul 08 2005 - 03:54:19 CDT
I generated D_par.par of my ligand by XPLO2D, now I want to change my D_par.par
to CHARMM format. I contrast param19.inp(charmm force field) and
(xplor force field),and find most parameters are the same while only the format
is different.BUT the last part,Van Der Waals parameters are distinct.
CHARMM force field (param19.inp)
! Emin Rmin
! (kcal/mol) (A)
H 0.0440 -0.0498 0.8000
HC 0.0440 -0.0498 0.6000
C 1.65 -0.1200 2.100 1.65 -0.1 1.9 ! carbonyl carbon
CH1E 1.35 -0.0486 2.365 1.35 -0.1 1.9
XPLOR force field (
! ---------------------------------------
NONBonded H 0.0498 1.4254 0.0498 1.4254
NONBonded HA 0.0450 2.6157 0.0450 2.6157
NONBonded C 0.1200 3.7418 0.1000 3.3854
NONBonded CH1E 0.0486 4.2140 0.1000 3.3854
Who can give me the interrelation of them ,or the formula to transform them?Thank
you for any help!
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