From: Gengbin Zheng (
Date: Tue Jun 07 2005 - 14:23:31 CDT
Is your namd config called minimize.txt or minimize.namd? I am asking
because the file you attached is called minimize.namd.
Mark A. Hallman wrote:
>I am trying to run NAMD Win32-i686 locally with a single processor on a
>Windows platform because that is what I have available. I have the actual
>NAMD executable located at C:/NAMD/namd2.exe. I have written a config file
>using Notepad, and saved it as a text file to C:/NAMD/minimize.txt. It is
>attached. Using the command prompt, I type "namd2 minimize.txt". The results
>are as follows. Charm++ opens namd2 and assings the minimize.txt as the
>config file (Info: Configuration file is minimization.txt). Then, the
>programs terminates with the error message:
>Charm++ fatal error:
>FATAL ERROR: Simulation config file is not accessible.
>What is the problem(s) with my specific approach? Is the config file in the
>wrong format, or is it in the wrong directory? Thank you for any help.
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