From: Cheri M Turman (
Date: Wed Nov 03 2004 - 19:47:25 CST
Hi Ray,
I think Jim Phillips helped me out with this issue earlier. Thanks to
him, here is a sample from one of my config scripts showing the
simulated annealing part:
for { set TEMP 300 } { $TEMP < 1050 } { incr TEMP 50 } {
run 250
reassignTemp $TEMP
run 8000
for { set TEMP 1000 } { $TEMP >= 0 } { incr TEMP -20 } {
run 200
reassignTemp $TEMP
for { set TEMP 0 } { $TEMP < 320 } { incr TEMP 20 } {
run 10
reassignTemp $TEMP
run 8000
These heat from 300-1000K by 50K steps in 3.5ps, hold at 1000K for 8ps,
slow cool from 1000-0K in 10ps, etc. using a timestep of 1.
Hope this helps!
Cheri M. Turman
Graduate Student
University of Texas-Houston Medical School
6431 Fannin
Houston, TX 77030 USA
Ph.: 713-500-6126
Fax: 713-500-0652
----- Original Message -----
From: "Raymond C. Fort Jr." <>
Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2004 2:59 pm
Subject: namd-l: Sample Configuratiion files
> I'm repeating an earlier post, and adding to it. We would be
> extremely
> grateful if someone would share with us example configuration files
> for:
> (1) restarting a simulation (a power outage crashed us)
> (2) a simulated annealing
> I think we may have arrived successfully at the latter by trial and
> error,
> but an example would still help.
> Thanks!
> Ray
> Professor Ray Fort Jr.
> Department of Chemistry
> University of Maine Voice: (207)-581-1180
> Orono, ME 04469 FAX: (207)-581-1191
> Computer modeling of organic and biomolecules; chemistry of lignin
> and cellulose
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