From: Mauricio Carrillo Tripp (
Date: Tue Jul 06 2004 - 10:45:53 CDT
Hi Marc, thanks for the reply
I was aware of the COMmotion command, but this will only affect the initial
step. What I need to do is to allways keep it in the same position. I was
Langevin for temperature control but this would make the COM move a lot,
so I changed to Vel. Reassigment but it's still moving (not as much as before
though), but because of the analisys I want to make I need it to be still.
Do you
know if there's an easy way to do this?
Kamp, Marc vander said:
> Hi Mauricio,
> Did you also read this in the user guide:
> COMmotion < allow center of mass motion? >
> Acceptable Values: yes or no
> Default Value: no
> Description: Speci es whether or not motion of the center of mass of the
> entire system
> is allowed. If this option is set to no, the initial velocities of the
> system will be adjusted to
> remove center of mass motion of the system. Note that this does not
> preclude later centerof-
> mass motion due to external forces such as random noise in Langevin
> dynamics, boundary
> potentials, and harmonic restraints.
> (p.46 in the pdf)
> Marc
> -----Original Message-----
> From: on behalf of Mauricio Carrillo Tripp
> Sent: Mon 5-7-2004 21:47
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: namd-l: COM position
> Hi all, I'm not sure this went through last time (I haven't got any
> replies) , so I'm sending it again with more coments...
> Is there a way to keep the system's center of mass position fixed at a
> certain point (e.g. origin) ?
> is there a command in NAMD to accomplish this or do I have to write a
> script? How do I do it?
> Reading the manual I found in section 6.7.3 and 6.7.6 (Options for
> conformational
> restraints and Examples, Fixed restraints page 80) that I can do
> something
> like
> urestrain {
> posi group {(*,*,*)} kf=20 ref=(0,0,0)
> }
> I'm not sure about the *'s though, should I use {all} instead?
> Would this work?
> Afterall, all I want to do is to keep the COM from moving in the Z
> direction... it should be something quite simple, but I'm not sure
> how to do it.
> Thanks for any help
> --------------------------------------------------
> Mauricio Carrillo Tripp
> Chemistry Department
> Wabash College
-- -------------------------------------------------- Mauricio Carrillo Tripp Chemistry Department Wabash College
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