From: Alex V. (
Date: Fri Jul 02 2004 - 07:27:08 CDT
Could you provide us some logs where your Clustermatic fails
> Hello everybody,
> We have just got dual Xeon computers with Intel gigabit Ethernet
> cards. I am trying to setup the master node I tried to repeat the same
> setup that I had with the older computers (Redhat 9.0, clustermatic 3
> run namd just great!) and failed. The network card isn’t detected by
> RedHat 9.0 and the driver available from Intel website doesn’t modify
> the kernel so after the clustermatic installation the card is never
> detected. I tried to reinstall the card and it complained about
> presence of different versions of kernel.
> I tried to install clustermatic 4.0 on fedora core 1.0 and Suse 9.0
> with no success. Both OS detected the card.
> The clustermatic rpm installation on Fedora failed and I don’t know
> where to begin to think about the compilation of the clustermatic (any
> references are much appreciated).
> On the Suse 9.0 the rpm installation complained about package
> dependency Perl(Socket). After rebooting clustermatic seemed to be
> working, registered the MAC address from the slave node however failed
> to assign an IP.
> Any help, advice or info is much appreciated.
> Thank you,
> **/Armen Nalian/***/
> /*//Email: <>///_
> _//Tel: (936) 468-6931//
> //StephenF.Austin//// State University//
> //Division of Biotechnology//
> //ScienceResearch//// Center//
> //P.O Box 13006-SFA Station//
> //Nacogdoches////, Texas 75962-3006///
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