From: Eric R Johnson (
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 08:43:42 CDT
Thanks for the insight into your experiences with a diskless cluster. I
don't think cooling or voltages are a problem as I have lm_sensors
installed and everything has been well within range. If no one has any
other suggestions, I think I will first try installing a Intel
pro/1000MT (which is what I have in all of the other nodes). If that
doesn't work, I will be forced to install a hard drive. If that
doesn't work, than I am really stumped, because this will make all of
the machines identical, and it is only the two diskless ones that are
giving me fits.
Thanks again,
Peter Jones wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> I have a similar system with the same processors and mainboards and no
> disks in the nodes, but less memory (768MB). I am using Clustermatic 3
> and all nodes use the intel pro/1000MT gigabit NIC and I do not have
> your problem. So maybe using the onboard LAN (which is not gigabit?)
> might be the problem. I have experienced intermittent problems (runs
> dying after seemingly random intervals) which was due to insufficient
> cooling of the processors. I'm no expert, just a thought,
> good luck,
> Peter
> Peter Jones Ph.D.
> Research Fellow
> Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
> University of Technology Sydney
> Westbourne Street
> Gore Hill N.S.W. 2065
> Australia
> Tel: 61-2-9514 4105
> FAX: 61-2-9514 4026
> email:
-- ******************************************************************** Eric R A Johnson University Of Minnesota tel: (612) 529 0699 Dept. of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology 7-230 BSBE e-mail: 312 Church Street web: Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
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