From: Armen Poghosyan (
Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 07:21:57 CDT
I have tried to run my simulation (72 DPPC bilayer + water) and 2 times
get same error message on output:
Warning: Tuple 9178 with atoms 9249(0) 9252(2056) missing patch 2056
------------- Processor 0 Exiting: Called CmiAbort ------------
Reason: FATAL ERROR: Patch needed for tuple is missing.
Charm++ fatal error:
FATAL ERROR: Patch needed for tuple is missing.
FATAL ERROR: Patch needed for tuple is missing.
Looking forward to see any tips and reply.
Thank you very much.
Armen H. Poghosyan
Equipe de dynamique des assemblages membranaires
Unite Mixte de Recherche C.N.R.S./U.H.P. No 7565
Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy I B.P. 239
54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, Cedex France
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