From: Shirley Hui (
Date: Fri Apr 23 2004 - 13:44:17 CDT
Thank you for your clarification.
Yes, in my case, I would consider lambda = 0 as conformation 1 and lambda =
1 as the final conformation.
I did come across the posting you sent me. My impression was that this tool
takes as input a PDB style FEP file and spits out a PSF file which can then
be sent into the *alchemical FEP* of NAMD. See the excerpt below:
"It also needs a FEPfile (as described in the NAMD
manual), stating what atoms belong to the initial and final groups. Given
these, the tool produces a cleaned-up PSF file, that should be suitable for
alchemical FEP with NAMD."
However, my problem does not involve any alchemical transformations of the
molecule. This is what I am assuming...
In the case of alchemical transformations, residues can mutate into other
ones (i.e alanine to glycine etc).
In the case of conformational changes, the molecule is simply undergoing a
conformational change whereby the residues remain the same but the positions
Would the alchemcial function be suitable in my case, if there is no
alchemical transformations taking place? Would one of the FEP algorithms
mentioned in the user guide
( either MCTI or
PMF approach be more suitable?
I intend to create an FEP file with the initial coords corresponding to
lambda = 0 and the perturbed coords corresponding to lambda =1.
Then run the simulation for FEP calculation in NAMD using MCTI or PMF.
***If anyone knows that this is incorrect, please let me know!***
My final question has to do with clarifying what all the conformational
constraints mean:
What is the difference between:
Restraint Specifications (not coupled to pmf calculation) - is this only for
Bound Specifications (not coupled to pmf calculation) - is this only for
Forcing Restraint Specifications (coupled to pmf calculation) - only for
pmf, related to the restraint potential??
Are there some papers or text books that someone can recommend that I can
read up on this?
Thank you!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Bennion" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: namd-l: Fw: Calculating Free Energy Change
> Hi Shirley
> The is the email I was talking about:
> Changing conformations is equivalent to changing morphing from one residue
> to another, so long as the change is only a "perturbation". For
> example changing a proline conformation from cis to trans or vice versa
> probably isn't a "perturbation" but my knowledge here is not great....
> In your case lambda=0 is one confromation and lambda=1 is the final
> conformation. Unless I have totally misunderstood your question.
> Brian
> On Thu, 22 Apr 2004, Shirley Hui wrote:
> > Thank you for your reply.
> > I searched the list for anything relating to what I wanted to do, but
either I am not looking far back into the archive, or I really don't know
what I am doing!
> > This is the list I am searching:
> >
> > Instead I am wondering if doing the following would do what I want.
> > I was thinking of supplying NAMD with an fep file whereby the original
conformation and the coordinates associated with that conformation are in
the PDB-style file with -1.00 ('vanish'). In the same PDB-style fep file I
would also have the coordinates for the perturbed conformation with 1.00
> > Then I would run NAMD FEP calculations using this file.
> > My thinking is that the original conformation is changing/perturbing to
the perturbed conformation. Instead of residues vanishing or appearing,
it's the same ones, but in different locations.
> > Does this work - am I on the right track??
> > I'm sorry, I was unable to find the tool that you are referring to
> > Thanks for your insight,
> > shirley
> >
> >
> > >From: Brian Bennion <>
> > >To: Shirley Hui <>
> > >Subject: Re: namd-l: Fw: Calculating Free Energy Change
> > >Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 11:42:46 -0700 (PDT)
> > >
> > >Hi Shirley,
> > >
> > >From the user guide page you supplied it states that your problem can
> > >implemented in NAMD.
> > >
> > >Search this list for the description of a tool that creates the FEP
> > >scripts based on two end points.
> > >
> > >Brian
> > >
> > >On Thu, 22 Apr 2004, Shirley Hui wrote:
> > >
> > > > I was wondering if anyone could clarify some things for me.
> > > >
> > > > NAMD's Free Energy Calculator was meant to calculate the free energy
change between various perturbations of a molecule (the perturbations would
be constrained).
> > > > Does anyone know if it is possible to give NAMD two conformations of
the same molecule and then calculate the free energy change between the
two?? Basically I am perturbing a molecule myself and then I want to know
the free energy change between the original conformation of the molecule and
the perturbation I made. If not NAMD are there any other software that can
do this?? If not, I guess I will have to implement my own and I know this
is not a trivial task.
> > > > Thanks for any insight, the examples on the web page on NAMD's Free
Energy Calculator are a bit too in depth or detailed for me at the moment to
fully understand.
> > > >
> > > > thanks,
> > > > shirley
> > > >
> > >
> > >*****************************************************************
> > >**Brian Bennion, Ph.D. **
> > >**Computational and Systems Biology Division **
> > >**Biology and Biotechnology Research Program **
> > >**Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory **
> > >**P.O. Box 808, L-448 **
> > >**7000 East Avenue phone: (925) 422-5722 **
> > >**Livermore, CA 94550 fax: (925) 424-6605 **
> > >*****************************************************************
> > >
> >
> *****************************************************************
> **Brian Bennion, Ph.D. **
> **Computational and Systems Biology Division **
> **Biology and Biotechnology Research Program **
> **Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory **
> **P.O. Box 808, L-448 **
> **7000 East Avenue phone: (925) 422-5722 **
> **Livermore, CA 94550 fax: (925) 424-6605 **
> *****************************************************************
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