From: Gengbin Zheng (
Date: Fri Mar 19 2004 - 01:30:49 CST
Please read the NAMD wiki "NamdOnMyrinet" at
I just updated it today with some tips you may want to try.
Please download the latest Charm++ from our *CVS* server, since the
necessary changes in source code were only committed today.
Look for download instructions at Stable version
of Charm++ 5.8 is recommended.
ps, please don't get confused with Charm++ and Charmm ;-) NAMD is built
upon Charm++ (a parallel language and runtime system developed at
Parallel Programming Lab(PPL) from the same university), and it has
nothing to do with Charmm :)
On Fri, 19 Mar 2004, David Chalmers wrote:
> Dear NAMD Developers,
> The cluster I have been using has just been upgraded and now has Myranet
> GM2 drivers (version 2.0.10). The released version of charm does not seem
> to have support for these drivers. We have tried using the current CVS
> version of charm but that was not successful.
> Is there a NAMD/charmm combination available that will work with the GM2
> drivers?
> Regards
> David
> _____________________________________________________________________________
> David Chalmers Lab: 9903 9110
> Victorian College of Pharmacy Fax: 9903 9582
> 381 Royal Pde, Parkville, Vic 3053
> Australia
> _____________________________________________________________________________
Gengbin Zheng
(217)244-3667 (o)
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