From: nathalie reuter (
Date: Fri Dec 05 2003 - 02:16:29 CST
if you have selected (by clicking) the atoms between which you which to
measure the distance, you can simply use the 'labels' window (from the
'graphics' pulldown).
In this window, you select 'bond' on the top left and the distances you
have measured will appear in the blue window below. Select the one you
are interested in, and you can plot it by clicking on 'graph' ! (you
need to have xmgrace installed though but this is no problem,
Hope this helps,
Nathalie wrote:
>Dear sir,
> I have known how to find and click the atoms accurately and easily. I can display
>them as VDW representation.
> However, Do someone have the script which can plot this figure??
>Dear sir,
> I want to get a figure of "bond distance vs time" with VMD. In VMD tutorial,
>this can be done by select the two atoms you want to calculate the distance for.
>However I think the system(such as protein) is always very large, it is difficult
>to find and click the atoms accurately and easily. Whether has someone convenient
>way to realize it?
> Or, I think we can write a small script just like namdplot which can plot the
>figure of energy, temperature and others vs time. Do someone have this kind of
> I am looking forward to your reply!
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