From: Brian Bennion (
Date: Mon Oct 27 2003 - 10:20:34 CST
I am pretty sure the top_all27_prot_na.inp and par_all27_prot_na.inp files
have parameters for all
nucleotides,nucleosides etc...
so psfgen should read "top" file just fine.
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, himanshu chandola wrote:
> Does anybody has any idea about charmm parameters for ADP or if not idea
> then how can i just let psfgen get some arbitrary values just for ADP .
> Neo: The problem is choice
-- ***************************************************************** **Brian Bennion, Ph.D. ** **Computational and Systems Biology Division ** **Biology and Biotechnology Research Program ** **Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ** **P.O. Box 808, L-448 ** **7000 East Avenue phone: (925) 422-5722 ** **Livermore, CA 94550 fax: (925) 422-6605 ** *****************************************************************
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