From: Jerry Ebalunode (jebalunode_at_UH.EDU)
Date: Tue Sep 16 2003 - 13:44:49 CDT
Hi all,
I just compiled namd2.5b2 on an itanium2 cluster that uses SCALI's
implementation of the mpi. When I run the binary, I always get this warning
"Warning: Not all atoms have unique coordinates." in the output log. Does
anyone know how to correct this problem? I initially thought it had to do
with the tcl or fftw libraries I was using, so used the precompiled
libraries from meant for my
architecture. However, after recompiling and running namd2 I still had the
same problems.
Compiler information
intel C/C++ compiler for itanium ecc version 7.1
-- Cheers, Jerry Ebalunode Graduate Research Assistant RM 402F Houston Science Center Phone: 713-743-8367 Dept. of Biology and Biochemistry University of Houston. 4800 Calhoun Road Houston, TX 77204
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