There are two classifications of BioCoRE use. The overwhelming majority of people will be interested in accessing BioCoRE as a collaborative environment. It is possible, however, to install your own BioCoRE server, which can then be used as a local collaborative environment.
Accessing BioCoRE as a Collaborative Environment
BioCoRE is a web-based collaborative environment, so required installation is minimal. You essentially only need a web browser to access BioCoRE. However, we highly recommend a small amount of installation to enhance your BioCoRE experience.
- Java Web Start - (needed for: Control Panel via Java Web Start) Java Web Start is a utility that comes with the Java plugin for your browser that can be used by the Control Panel and is really quite nice. We have set up a page for installation of Java Web Start.
- VMD - (needed for: VMD pub/sync) BioCoRE's collaborative VMD feature relies on VMD being installed on your computer. For information on this, go to the VMD website.
Installing A BioCoRE Server
If you want to set up a BioCoRE server in your own research group, installation instructions are available on our server page.
The BioCoRE team welcomes any comments, questions, or suggestions that you might have concerning our software! Please email us or fill out our feedback form.